प्रज्ञान शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एंव कोशल विकास परिषद


Skill Development Industrial Vocational Naturopathy & Paramedical Science

कौशल विकास औद्योगिक व्यावसायिक प्राकृतिक एंव परा चिकित्सा विज्ञान

(An Autonomous Body, Regd. By Govt. of India)

श्रम एंव रोजगार मंत्रालय, मानव अधिकार संरक्षण अधिनियम 1993 के तहत संरक्षित , सूक्ष्म, लघु एंव मध्यम उद्यम मंत्रालय द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त पंजीकृत संस्थान

Successful PhD Admission 2024
Till Completion of Doctorate
Degree for Working

We have been in this field for around 14 years and are the most prominent educational and writing service provider for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Admission till its Completion.

With Us, PhD Admission 2024 is Guaranteed

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At PERSDC, our vision is to emerge as the premier Educational and Writing service platform in India. We offer a unique opportunity for working professionals to transform their aspirations into achievements by securing admission to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program, whether they are residing in India or abroad. Our platform not only facilitates PhD admission 2024 but also provides a pathway for individuals to elevate their research endeavors to new heights while fostering personal development. Join PERSDC and embark on a transformative journey towards realizing your PhD dreams.

Why to choose PERSDC for your PhD Admission 2024?

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Fast Track/Time

We provide coverage of educational gap

Timely Completion Of PhD is Guaranteed

Complete Admission till Completion support at the most comfort.

Features and Services for PhD Admission 2024

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Entrance Exam Support

Topic Selection

Guide Selection



Coursework Exams


Article Writing

Article Publication

6 Monthly Report

Conference & Seminar

Thesis preparation

Thesis Presentation

Viva Voce

You're Doctorate

  • 1598

    Phd Admission

  • 4391


  • 5468

    UG PG Admission

  • 11,427

    Total Projects

We ensure your PhD Admission 2024 ?

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PERSDC offers a smooth admission process throughout the time it takes. And a doctorate degree always holds a significance as we know it.

A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) requires an appropriate amount of planning and organizing, but obviously, working professionals are somewhere unavailable in making time for admission, technical work, making files and reports properly or even attending classes. Hence, PERSDC assures a complete guide who will be assigned to you throughout your admission process until the completion of your preferred course.

In the process of obtaining a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), there are a number of steps one needs to go through very attentively. They are complex and sometimes very tiring for the mind and difficult to manage for the people who work every day. But if you’re associated with PERSDC, it all becomes convenient and a very fun process for you.

100% Hassle-free PhD Admission for Working Professionals

A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) requires a whole lot of commitment and a discreet eye for detail. People pursuing a PhD are called for giving presentations on the basis of their research and submitting their progress reports. They are also responsible for defending their thesis work in an open viva-voce. Being a part of PERSDC, you will be trained and taught for every step of the way and all of these things will be done within your availability of time.

PERSDC is associated with 9+ universities and if you’re deriving a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) within these universities, you will be offered help throughout your admission until the course’s completion. It includes campus visits, proper technical work, appropriate documentation and you will have to do nothing but acquire your PhD with a calm mind.

Your PhD Admission 2024 Journey

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Admission and Completion Guaranteed


  • UGC Approved Universities

  • Hassle Free Admission

  • Exam Support

  • Supports & Services

  • On-Time Completion

  • G A P Years - No Problem

  • Research Approval

FAQ’s on PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

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No, not at all. A master’s degree does not have to be completed with the intention of pursuing a PhD. However, it is highly recommended that you have a master’s degree before applying for a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) because it will give you an edge over other applicants.

If you want to pursue a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) and your master’s degree is not yet completed, then you must go through the same process as if you were applying for your first PhD program. You must submit your application materials and complete any required steps such as writing an essay or qualifying exam that may be required by the department in which you are applying. After completing these tasks, you will be able to take the GRE General Test and submit scores along with letters of recommendation from faculty members who know you well enough to vouch for your ability and work ethic.

PhD admissions are one of the most competitive fields of study. The admission process for PhD admissions 2024 is quite difficult and competitive. In order to get admitted in a PhD program, you must have a Master’s degree in a relevant field of study.

The eligibility criteria for PhD admissions vary by university or institute and are different from other admission processes such as undergraduate or postgraduate.

Many students wonder if they should wait until their undergraduate degree is completed before applying to graduate school. The answer is no! If you want to pursue your graduate degree, then you should apply while in your undergraduate program. You will have more experience and be able to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills that are required for admission into a graduate program.

Most PhD programs require full-time study. However, many schools offer part-time options that allow you to continue working while taking classes or pursuing additional coursework. Several Indian Universities offers an internal full-time program (with no tuition waiver) and an external one that allows students to work up to 20 hours per week while earning their degree. Other schools offer similar options. If you have a full-time job or family responsibilities that make it difficult for you to devote all day every day.

PhD Admissions for working professionals:

PERSDC offers several programs for professionals who are interested in getting their PhDs while working. The programs are designed to allow students to complete their degree while they continue working full-time. We offer admissions in reputed UGC approved universities with maximum guidance and support 24*7.

If you have had some experience in your field (or related fields) before you decided to pursue an advanced degree and are currently working in your chosen field, consider applying for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) programs instead of MSc programs. PhD programs require applicants to have extensive work experience in their chosen field; however, they usually do not require applicants to have completed any undergraduate courses.

You may be wondering what the difference is between a Master’s degree and a PhD degree. The differences are significant and will affect your career goals.

Master’s Degrees:

Master’s degrees are designed for students who want to continue their education in the field of study they have chosen. These programs prepare graduates for further study, but they do not lead to doctoral degrees.

PhD Degrees:

PhD programs are designed to prepare students for careers in academic research or teaching positions at universities. A PhD degree is the highest level of academic distinction in the university system, and it is awarded only after an extensive period of training and learning.

A Ph.D. is a doctorate, the highest academic degree in the United States and many other countries. A Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) is the equivalent of a master’s degree but it’s awarded after a student has completed three more years of study compared to a master’s program, which typically takes two years to complete.

PhDs typically take between three and seven years to complete, depending on the field of study and whether they are full-time or part-time students.

There are many different types of degrees, but the most common ones are the Master’s and Doctoral degrees. A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is a higher degree that requires more research and study than an MA or MS. There are several different options for pursuing a PhD, including:

PhD in Education

PhD in Humanities

PhD in Social Sciences

PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

Geo-sciences. These include geography and earth science.

Social Sciences. These include economics, sociology and political sciences. and many more.

The maximum age of pursuing a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is 30 years. However, it is possible to pursue a PhD after the age of 35. You can also pursue your PhD while you are still working on a Master’s Degree.

As long as you have a good academic record and pass all exams required for the program, you can apply for PhD in any year of your life. It does not matter when you start your studies or finish them.

A PhD degree is regarded as an advanced degree and requires extensive learning and research work. For this reason, many people prefer to pursue their PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) after having completed their undergraduate studies in order to gain more experience and knowledge in the field of study they wish to specialise in.

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