प्रज्ञान शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एंव कोशल विकास परिषद


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कौशल विकास औद्योगिक व्यावसायिक प्राकृतिक एंव परा चिकित्सा विज्ञान

(An Autonomous Body, Regd. By Govt. of India)

श्रम एंव रोजगार मंत्रालय, मानव अधिकार संरक्षण अधिनियम 1993 के तहत संरक्षित , सूक्ष्म, लघु एंव मध्यम उद्यम मंत्रालय द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त पंजीकृत संस्थान

The VALUES Of Honorary Doctorate

Honorary Doctorate is a prestigious title, which is given to a person who has
contributed to the field of education or research.


Honorary Doctorate Importance of a Honorary Degree

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Honorary Doctorate, no matter how you refer to it, is a greater example of honoring a notable person for an outstanding contribution to the society. You might be thinking that it is generally offered to celebrities just because they are famous and wealthy. Such negative affirmations of people are not valid in most cases because such honors are often given to those who have made outstanding contributions to a certain field. We all need to change our negative approach towards honor. If you go through the info graphic below, you will be able to clear your mind that why an Honorary Doctorate is being awarded every year globally. It might influence your perspective for good!

Convocation Ceremonies

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Advantages of a Honorary Doctorate, How is a Honorary Degree Beneficial?

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Value And Importance

This noble is carried out by higher level institutions, hence it carried weight and significance


he award holds a huge historical significance.

Positive Attitute

The Nobel raises positivity amongst people.


A prestigious honor, without any doubt, becomes a morale booster.


It builds up courage and develops self-confidence within a person.


Get a golden opportunity to meet well-known & respectable people of the society.

FAQ’s on Honorary Doctorate

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An honorary degree is a degree that is granted to a person who has done something outstanding in their field. In some countries, they are referred to as honorary degrees or honorary doctorates.

An honorary degree is not a real academic and cannot be used for employment purposes. Some universities do not award honorary degrees but instead award an honorary doctorate (HD) or doctorate with honoris causa (HC), which does have value for employment purposes.

The term “honorary” suggests that the recipient does not hold a degree but is being given recognition for their accomplishments. This is not always the case. Some universities will confer an honorary doctorate on a person already holding a degree from that institution or another institution with which they have had significant contact over the years.

An honorary degree is one of the highest honors that can be bestowed on someone. It represents recognition of your accomplishments, knowledge, and ability in a particular field of study.

Honorary degrees are a form of recognition for people who have made significant contributions to society or their profession. It also allows you to share your achievements with others, which can help encourage future success.

Doctorate – This is the highest academic degree, preceded by the Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Medicine, and similar titles. It is awarded to people who have made significant contributions to their country’s arts and sciences.

Honorary Degree – An honorary degree usually takes the form of an academic title but can also be awarded to people who do not qualify for an academic title. Typical examples include ‘Honorary Fellow’, ‘Honorary Master’ or ‘Honorary Doctor’.

In general, obtaining an honorary degree is not easy. The first step involves completing a research project or thesis that is submitted for evaluation by members of the highest academic body at your institution. If accepted by the committee, you will be awarded your doctorate on behalf of the institution where you earned your master’s degree or PhD.

The distinction between these two types of honorary degrees is often determined by whether a candidate has been invited to lecture at the university instead of just being awarded an honorary degree as part of some other event.

For example, if you were invited to lecture at your university on a particular topic, this would be considered an example of teaching and would qualify you for an honorary doctorate. However, if you received an honorary doctorate during any other ceremony, this would be considered as being awarded within the context of some other event and would not qualify you for an honorary doctorate.

Doctoral degrees: these are awarded by universities on the completion of a research project. A candidate must have completed their PhD and been awarded it before they can be considered for an honorary degree.

Magisterial degrees: these are awarded by religious institutions of higher education and theological seminaries. Candidates must have obtained a Master’s degree in theology or related discipline and have demonstrated considerable ability in teaching at an undergraduate level.

Professoriate degrees: these are given to professors who have held their position for at least ten years or who have made significant contributions to their field. Candidates must demonstrate scholarly achievement through publications, books, and other forms of academic activity.

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